Our Vision
Situated in a region where the US-Mexico border zone, indigenous national and tribal governments, and the Asia-Pacific interact to produce a dynamic geopolitical location, UCSD’s Ethnic Studies Department is a vibrant community of scholars committed to the interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, indigeneity, gender, sexuality, class, and dis/ability.
The department’s innovative approach represents a commitment to transnational, relational, and intersectional methods for producing critical knowledge about power and inequality, including systems of knowledge that have emerged from racialized and indigenous communities in global contexts.
Ethnic Studies is devoted to creative, conceptual, and empirical research; critical pedagogy; collaborations with a broad group of affiliated faculty; and social justice projects developed with and for the university, our home communities, and the broader public.
News & Events
New book alert!
Wardship and the Welfare State: Native Americans and the Formation of First-Class Citizenship in Mid-Twentieth-Century America by Dr. Mary Klann
Department Announcement
Assistant Professor Holly Okonkwo Receives an NSF CAREER Award!
Check out the Ethnic Studies Newsletter for upcoming opportunities and events.
Community Resources
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